John Darby

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Family and Personal Life

Early Life and Education
Jonathan “John” Darby was born in Lenox Hill Hospital November 18, 1974 to Sarah Darby (née Feinstein), a teacher, and Samuel “Sam” Darby, a train conductor for the Long Island Rail Road. His family shortly moved to Jericho, Long Island, where he and his other two siblings (Sydney Simmons, born 1977 and is Superintendent of Huntington Public Schools, and Abigail Barrison, born 1973 and is a history teacher) attended public school. He graduated from Jericho High School as salutatorian 1992. In Jericho Schools, teachers repeatedly said he excelled in History, Social Studies, and Home Economics. He received a bachelors in Urban Science at MIT 1996, and a graduated with degree in law at NYU 1999, magna cum laude. At NYU, he joined Kappa Sigma.

Darby’s father, Sam, was born October 16, 1945 in Flushing Hospital. He graduated Flushing High School in 1963. He was hired as an intern at the Long Island Rail Road shortly after and quickly moved his way up to train conductor. Darby’s mother, Sarah was born June 21, 1946 in Coney Island Hospital and grew up in nearby Sheepshead Bay. She graduated from Sheepshead Bay High School the year 1964, and went on to receive a bachelors in education at City College, graduating 1968. She got a job at a school in Forest Hills a few months later. Sam and Sarah met a Manhattan restaurant and started dating in November of 1968. Sam proposed to Sarah in March of 1972, and they married a year later. They retired the same year-2007 and moved to a condo in Maui, Hawaii.
Darby met his future wife, Jennifer Darby (née Jackson), while he was working at the New York City Department of Planning in July of 2000. His wife, an attorney, was looking for certain documents and John was to work with her. Thus, a relationship was born. John proposed to her in Central Park in May of 2003, and they married a year later. They have two children, Thomas (born 2005) and Abby (born 2007). Their Washington home is along the H Street Corridor, and their New York home is in Nassau County. They are both non-religious.