Current Parties
There are currently six parties within the AGS simulation:
1. Socialist Party (Left-wing)
2. Libertarian Party (Right-Wing)
3. American Liberal Coalition (Center-Left-Wing)
4. Classical Liberal Party (Center-Right-Wing)
5. American Solidarity Party (Right Wing Party)
Defunct Parties
1. Libertarian Party/Corporatist Party (Right-wing) - Merged with Republican Party
2. Justice Party (Center to center-right) - Merged with Republican Party
3. Popular Front (Far-right) - Merged with Corporatist Party
4. The Monarchist Party (Traditional right) - Merged with Justice Party
5. The GOP (Center-right)
6. United Right (Far-right)
7. Constitutionalist Party (Center-right) - Disbanded by vote
8. America First Party (Far-right)
9. Populist Party (Right) - Merged with Republican Party
10. Communist Party (Far-left) - disbanded with Second Communist Exodus
11. American Party (Centre) - Disbanded after activity check
12. Progressive Party (Centre-left to left) - disbanded after Second Communist Exodus
13. Popular Party - disbanded.
14. Peace Party - disbanded
15. Labor Party - disbanded.
16. Bull Moose Party - Merged with American Liberal Party.
17. Federalist Party - Disbanded by vote after prominent members leave to create two new parties.
18. Centrist Party - disbanded.