Federalist Party

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The Federalist Party, sometimes referred to as the Federalists, is a right-wing political party founded in September of 2019 after the fall of the Second Republican Party. It covers the ideals of modern conservatism and libertarianism. As of March 2020, the Federalists have a majority in the House in a coalition with the Conservatives, the Dixie General Assembly and the Jefferson Parliament in a coalition with the Conservatives. They also hold the Presidency and the Governorships of Dixie and Jefferson.

Federalist Party
Chairman J.G.T. Webb
Vice Director MonarchJared
FNC Cabin
Founded 15 September 2019
Membership 54
Ideology Modern Conservatism
House of Representatives
3 / 17
1 / 6
2 / 3
State Legislatures
5 / 17


The Federalist Party was initially founded by JMP, J.G.T. Webb, Ethan Armstrong, Valerie, Rincewind, Patty, and notaname.