May Day coup d'état attempt

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The May Day coup d'état attempt, also known as the May Day affair, the President's War, and the May Day War and commonly referred to as May Day, was an abortive communist coup and armed conflict that involved the Red Army led by President Poke and a coalition of Atlas and US Government forces led by Vice President and Acting President Bakk. The fighting was concentrated in the Northern State

The Poke Takeover

On May 1st, 2018, President Poke released a series of illegal executive orders--all of which were incorrectly designated as acts--to start a communist coup.

The Fascism Control Act

The "Fascism Control Act[sic]" banned any fascist political parties from operating within the United States, and declared the punishment for association with a fascist party to be death. Instead of delegating the power to define fascist parties to the President or to another appropriate authority, the executive order gave that power specifically to President Poke.

Shortly after issuing the Fascism Control Act, Poke declare the Justice Party, the Green Democratic Party, and the Libertarian Party to be fascist parties.