Ryan Daly

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Ryan Daly is a political advocate and was a founding member of several key political parties, those being the Tea Party (now Republicans) and the NSL. He also briefly worked for Smith News agency and was part of Mayor Matthew Hale's cabinet before being let go about 2 hours into his new job. Many accuse him of racism but he rejects all claims; going as far as to donate thousands of dollars to charities to prove his point.

Korn Scandal

Mr. Daly left the NSL after Former Representative Korncorporeal dropped out of the Dixie Gubernatorial race. His reasoning for joining the facsit party was due to his extreme push for education reform. Mr. Daly said Korn Manipulated him and some proof surfaced of Korn asking Mhim to be intentionally rude to Justice Thanos May.

Tea Party

Mr. Daly exited public life for a bit before resurfacing as a founding member of the Tea Party (Now republicans) where he ran against 10 time incumbent Putbye for the JF-1 seat. He lost and then left the Tea Party, saying that “[the] Tea Party attracts authoritarian type people”. Mr. Daly led the charge to expel several members from the Tea Party for radical views. He also came out as a Bisexual man during this time, calling out Tea Party Leader John Smith as a homophbic person.

Present Day

Mr. Daly is currently known to frequent the WaterGate Bar in DC. He also indicated on twitter a new party may be in the works.