Popular Party

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Popular Party
Founded January 30th, 2020
Dissolved February 6th, 2020
Ideology Populism


The Popular Party was a populist, anti-capitalist, third-positionist political party which split off from the Labour Party, founded and lead by Lohengramm, accused by its critics of being a cult.

The party described itself in these terms:

Revised Explanation:

The Popular Party is a third-option party that plans to challenge the American two-party dichotomy. The Popular Party is characterized by economic leftist policy and a broad tent social policy. We aim to create a coalition that uses the party system not for selfish gain, but for the benefit of the people. No American should have to choose between two parties, neither of which really represent them and their interests. Our core policies include, among others; promotion of workers rights, decreasing income inequality, combating the influence and power of big corporations, fighting the climate crisis, and putting the governments focus back on the people.

Original Explanation:

The Popular Party is a third-option party that plans to challenge the American two-party dichotomy. The Popular Party is characterized by economic leftist policy with socially conservative values. We value workers, family, and liberty.

The party's position in the political center lead to somewhat inconsistent political activity. It caucused with the Federalist Party in the Senate at the very start of its existence, but as time went on, it appeared to shift slightly leftwards (as seen by the differences in its official explanations, which changed from "conservative social policy" to "broad tent social policy.")

The Popular Party performed very well in the December 2017 elections, winning "every single seat they had a candidate for" and then later putting Commander Johnsonson in JF-2 and Codegreen in JF-5.

On January 16, 2020, President MichiganLefty left the Labor Party for the Popular Party, stating that he felt it had "seemed to lose its vision and morale". The party would disband just two weeks later.

Criticism of the Popular Party

Various critics of the Popular Party have said it "lacked a coherent ideology," "smacked of National-Bolshevism," and was "incredibly cursed."

Dissolution of the Popular Party

Citing their grievances with Lohengramm's control of the party, most or all of the active membership left the party to form the Bull Moose Party in late January of 2020.

Leadership and Known Members

Position Name
President Lohengramm
Vice President unknown
Chief of Policy unknown
Minister of Propaganda
State Chapter Representatives unknown _ Other Known Members System, Commander Johnsonson, ThanosDaddy, RecklessAthenian, MichiganLefty, Melaniasmelons, Ultrafire3, April, Heamloch, Pierce Bryde, Andrew Glaze, Ricemaster

President/Chair Vice-President/Vice-Chair Chief of Policy Minister of Propaganda Chief Whip

Historic Documents

Name and date Purpose
01/23/20, "Joint Resignation From The Popular Party" Johnsonson and several known future Bull Moose members outline their frustrations with the direction of the Popular Party and the overhwelming influence of leader Lohengramm.
01/30/20 "Press Release: The Bull Moose Party" (Founding Press Release) Announcement of the BMP's formation on a platform of populist and progressive egalitarianism. Denouncing the "demagogues have hijacked our political process to feed their egos and secure themselves as tyrants," the Party says it will "come together to fight tooth and nail to break the monopolies of power that prevent the average American from reaching success."

Stating their "belief that Americans want to succeed," they say it is their "mission as a party to provide every opportunity for all Americans to achieve success, regardless of their wealth, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religious background."

01/30/20 "Press Release from the Bull Moose Party" (Labor Party Letter) The BMP tries to convince members of the Labor Party that their Party "has collapsed without direction," and asks them to join the BMP as the only hope for "stopping the Federalists from dominating our entire government."
01/31/20 "Press Release from the Bull Moose Party" (Pre-State Elections) The BMP pushes for the American people to vote for them in the upcoming elections, decrying "negligent officials" and the failure of the long-dominant political parties. This is the first Press Release using the BMP's logo.
02/01/20 "Press Release from the Bull Moose Party" (Hagen Debate Letter) The BMP denounces the Federalist Party as having dictatorial ambitions, referring to Hagen as a "Federalist Stooge" after his involvement with a scandal during the Jefferson Gubernatorial debate.
02/02/20 "Press Release from the Bull Moose Party" (Pre-Internal Elections) The BMP announces that they are holding internal elections for Chair, Vice Chair, and 3 seats on the Bull Moose National Convention.
02/03/20 "Press Release from the Bull Moose Party" (Post-State Elections) The BMP comments on its losses in the February State Elections. While it does not contest that "the Federalists have won these elections fairly," they express concern that "the American Republic has now devolved into a one-party state, with no room for dissenting voices." They furthermore state that the progressive movement "will not dissolve until freedom is truly restored" to the country.
02/04/20 "Press Release from the Bull Moose Party" (Post-Internal Elections) The BMP announces the results of their internal elections for party leadership. It will be the only internal election held by the Party.
02/06/20 "Final Press Release from the Bull Moose Party" (Dissolution Letter) The BMP announces that for strategic reasons the BMNC has decided to dissolve the Party and to join the American Liberal Coaliton, which had been created 3 days prior.