Labor Party

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The Labor party was formed in the wake of the Second Communist Exodus. It was designed to unite the left, in which it largely succeeded. For about a year it was the only left wing party.


After the Exodus, many prominent Progressive members were concerned with the de-energisation and inactivity of the party. They disbanded the party and formed the Labor Party, to reinvigorate the left, and to attract new members left over from the communists. It largely succeeded in its first objective, but failed to attract politicians such as Butterlands, who became independent.

Founding Members

Lohengramm codegreen MichiganLefty d.a.barchipelago Mathew Hale (also known as NewYorkDemocrat)

Electoral Results

Initially the party performed poorly against a strong GOP, but once membership levels reached a decent level it became a competitive party. It had control of the house for most of the Summer and Autumn of 2019, and controlled the states on and off.

Leadership Structure
