Aegeus Phoenix

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Aegeus Phoenix is an American politician who briefly served as Governor of Dixie in November 2020. He also served as Assemblyman for Dixie's 6th (11th - 12th session) and 4th (14th - 15th session) district and as Lieutenant Governor of Dixie from July to November.

Prior to Public Life

Aegeus Phoenix was born in Killeen, Texas on July 7th, 1983, to Jennifer Spinster and Castor Phoenix, both elementary school teachers. Tragically, shortly after Aegeus’ 7th birthday, his parents were killed in a car accident on their way home after picking him at school. Though he was physically left unharmed, save a few cuts and bruises, this event would stay with him forever. After his parents’ death, he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle who, on his 10th birthday, sent him off to a boarding school in Mississippi. He would live as a student at this boarding school for 8 years, all the way from fifth grade through high school. He then would go on to earn his B. Ed. in Educational Leadership and Policy from the University of Miami, and earn his M. Ed. in Educational Administration from the same school 3 years later. He was then, after months of job searching, invited back to the boarding school of his youth to be its Headmaster. While in this position, he met his wife, Jolene, with whom he had two kids, before Governor Cabin Fever would request his service to the State of Dixie as Secretary of Education.

Public Life

Though this may have been the technical beginning of Phoenix’s entrance into public life, he was not well known until he managed to secure a win in late March of 2020 to the Dixie General Assembly, alongside Omarosa Sandoval. Elected together as members of the Federalist Party, Sandoval and Phoenix began working together almost immediately. Alongside Assemblyman's Sandoval and Smith, Phoenix worked to pass crucial legislation, including vast protections for the environment, solving the brain drain with students and teachers, and protecting right to work. His most controversial action, and the one he is most remembered for, was the Updated Protection of Life Act, which placed an almost complete ban on abortion in Dixie. This piece of legislation would come to define Phoenix’s legislative achievements and is something that still affects his public perception to this day.

Luckily for Phoenix, however, Governor Sandoval didn’t care about the public perception of Phoenix and, with the departure of James Order as Lt. Governor, his old friendship came in handy when Phoenix was nominated and unanimously confirmed to the position of Lt. Governor. While Lt. Governor, Phoenix continued to push for more crucial legislation in the Assembly and was chosen as Speaker of the Assembly. This, however, was short lived when the issue of abortion would come back to haunt him. The Choice Amendment, which Phoenix personally opposed, passed Congress and was placed before the Dixie Assembly for Ratification. As Speaker, however, Phoenix refused to allow the ratification of an amendment while there was a vacant seat in the Assembly. This led to a swift vote of no confidence, led by Senator Drunk, which led to the ousting of Phoenix and the institution of Senator Bo as Speaker. This, however, had little effect on his political ambitions because just weeks later Governor Sandoval and Senator Bo were elected to hold the highest offices in the land, allowing Phoenix to ascend to the Governorship and place Fmr. Governor Ethan in the Senate.

Departure from the Public Eye

While it appeared Phoenix’s career was on the rise after ascending to Governorship of Dixie, a position he had long coveted, all was not well in his personal life. Governor Phoenix was expecting his third child with his wife of 11 years. What was going to be one of the happiest days of his life, turned into the worst. After rushing his wife to the hospital with dizziness and cramps,which he believed to be a side effect of his wife going into labor and 8 hours in labor, he received terrible news. His child, who would’ve been the light of his world, was born with a constricted umbilical cord which, tragically, led to asphyxiation and death. While his wife assured him that it was the circle of life, Phoenix was inconsolable and on the 15th of November, just 5 days after achieving his dream of becoming Governor, suffered a total psychotic break due to Brief Psychotic Disorder, forcing him to resign and abandon his position as Governor. This radical decision, alongside changes in his mood and his paranoid behavior, led to his family compelling him to check into Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA. While he only spent a month there and was cleared for release when it was determined that he had fully recovered from his weeklong psychotic episode, he knew the strain that was put on his family during his wife’s pregnancy and his breakdown. Collectively, his family decided that before returning to Dixie, they would stay awhile at a family home in Boulder, Colorado in Jefferson. While there, Phoenix and his family fell in love with the city in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. During their stay there, Jolene and Phoenix were both offered teaching jobs at the University of Colorado. After discussing it with their kids, it was decided that only Jolene would accept the job and the family would leave their home in Dixie and move to Boulder, where his twin boys would apply to college. Phoenix and his family now live there, with his wife teaching at the University of Colorado, and his sons finishing up their gap year between high school and college.