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Valentin Ricca is a Puertorican politician and prominent member of the Left. He has served at both the State and Federal levels. He runs the newspaper Il Manifesto, and he has also litigated a number of cases in state courts.


Valentin Ricca is known for his left wing positions. He has been a prominent member of the political left, and a known theorist. from the colors of his newspaper, il Manifesto, he has expounded on many of the programmatically points he believes to be crucial for the creation of a new society, where the workers of the world will finally be liberated from oppression and wage slavery. Inspired by the works of great political and economic scientists such as Marx, Engels and Isaak Rubin, he recognizes the peculiarity of the present political landscape and of the present material conditions, and has therefore decided to descend into politics to fight for policies that can grant the people a truer democracy, extending into every faucet of society, and for workers' rights.


Ricca joined politics under the banner of the United Left Party, of which he eventually became Vice Secretary, elected as a ticket under Secretary MichiganLefty. Upon Secretary MichiganLEfty's resignation after his failure to submit the party's candidates in time, he ascended to the Secretariat of the Party, which he held until its dissolution. After the dissolution of the United Left, and after a brief stint as independent, he was amongst the founders of the Workers' Party, of which he designed the current logo. he currently serves as Constitutional Secretary of the Workers' Party and member of its national committee.

State Politics

Ricca spent the entirety of his political career in Puerto Rico, starting it by running in the first Legislative Assembly Elections after the State had been constituted, in the First District. he then served various terms, during which he also covered, in two sessions, the position of Speaker of the Assembly, as well as that of Secretary of State, eventually resigning from the post in protest with Governor Cafe's lack of action. After losing his reelection bid to Mr. Ian, he was eventually reelected in a by election for the PR-3 seat vacated by former State Speaker Butterlands. he has then been reelected for a full term in the Legislative Assembly, where he took the role of Majority Leader.


Ricca has also served as Senator for Puerto Rico, being appointed by then-Governor Lina Cafe, and then being elected in the by election to serve the remainder of former senator Order's term. he then lost to now-president Ian Bellinger in his reelection bid.