The Trashcan

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’’’The Trashcan’’’ is an organization first created by Trash in the summer of 2019. It has gained a reputation as being one of the most crazy, entertaining, and neg modded organizations in the history of the sim. The Trashcan had a short time as a blog before shifting to being a TV network hosting multiple political talk shows and a game show.

First Months

Initially, The Trashcan was a blog, intended to post about the daily life of a politician in Congress. Activity at this time was low, and the organization didn’t have much going on. In July, Trash challenged Hide Hirofumi, PhD to a boxing fight, which was covered mostly by The Trashcan. Towards August 2019, fleb joined The Trashcan as a part time blogger, where he only got to write one piece for the organization, which was a nonsensical conspiracy about Labor Party orgies. After firing fleb, Trash took The Trashcan in a different direction by making it a TV network.

Early TV Months

During the first few TV months, activity on The Trashcan skyrocketed. Two new shows were started: The Trashcan Show and Trash’s Righteous Fist of Truth and Logic. The Trashcan Show was a late night political comedy talk show which featured Trash make lame and semi-edgy jokes for 15-30 minutes before interviewing a relevant politician, featuring MichiganLefty and Juan Escobar-Mendoza on season 1. Trash’s Righteous Fist of Truth and Logic, a show which criticized media bias, only got one episode. After a lack of consistent posting, The Trashcan got archived in November.

Reboot, Trash or Cash, and the Glock Incident

The Trashcan was unarchived in late November. A day later, a new season of The Trashcan Show premiered, featuring JMP and Lohengramm. A few days later, the first episode of Trash or Cash, featuring JMP, Garland, and Lohengramm, was aired to critical acclaim. Trash or Cash was a political trivia game show, which was being taken seriously at first, but when Trash announced that the winner (JMP) would not keep his earnings, JMP pulled out what appeared to be a glock. The show ended, and twitter went wild with accusations and defenses of JMP.

Trash or Cash became the main show for The Trashcan going forward, airing weekly throughout December and January. There were 2 other episodes in this season, featuring Rufflez, Ethan Armstrong, ricemaster, Lohengramm, and fleb. Notable incidents included an FBI raid after a shootout between fleb and Rufflez on Episode 2 and Ethan Armstrong levitating and shooting lasers out of his eyes in Episode 3. The presence of violence and guns on every episode has become a hallmark of Trash or Cash.

In late January, Rufflez was hired to The Trashcan and began to host his own show, The Rufflez Show. The show was promptly cancelled after the first episode was just rufflez’s bizarre ramblings. Soon afterwards, The Trashcan was archived again due to Trash neglecting to post transcripts to the main server channel despite activity on the private server staying at a consistently high level.

TDRS, Preparation

For a few months, The Trashcan was totally defunct. In April, Trash was hired to run The Trashcan Show on The Dan Reinhard Show organization. Instead, he continued to run Trash or Cash, doing one episode, which has Rufflez shoot other guests through his camera and their computer screens. A week later, Dan Reinhard gave control to Trash for a short period of time. Trash and a team of analysts found that the company would be more profitable if it was more focused on The Trashcan related shows, so he rebranded the organization to be The Trashcan. When Dan Reinhard returned, it was rebranded back to TDRS and Trash was fired.

Season 3

In late October 2020, The Trashcan was rebooted again. This time, the show would be shot in South Sudan, avoiding any problems with the law that had previously made it difficult to run the show. The first episode of Trash or Cash in this season featured John, Poliman, Ethan, and Baxter, ending with a shootout, a monkey with a gun, Baxter being castrated, and a dismissed lawsuit. In the second episode, the guests were Randy, John, and Dan Reinhard, with a short guest appearance from Ethan Armstrong.

The Trashcan also announced that it would be hosting the Worldwide Monkey Fights (WWMF). As of November 8, no episodes of WWMF have happened yet.