AGS Mod Team

From AmericanGovSim
Revision as of 04:36, 21 December 2022 by Bruhman (talk | contribs) (→‎Head Moderators: updated)
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The AGS Mod Team are the server and simulation moderators. The Mod Team runs elections, hires clerks, creates and enforces rules, and does whatever is necessary to keep AGS operational.


In the beginning, there were but two Moderators that made up the AGS Mod Team. Those two individuals were PirateCody and MaThFoBeWiYo. On January 27th, 2018, MikeSmith_SnowNation was invited by the two standing moderators to join the team. Mike's primary purpose and goal upon his induction was taming the Main discord server.

Then followed a period when aside from a head mod and a couple of longer term mods, mods mainly only stayed a mod for one or two election cycles.

After the Second Communist Exodus this largely stopped. MaTh took over as head mod for a while, but as DisguisedJet719 did most of the work, and MaTh got hired for irl presidential campaigns he resigned, and became a regular mod.

Jet began his term in early July 2019.

Purpose of Subordinate Organisations

The Clerks are responsible for rolling new members, disciplining members, organizing channels etc.

Recruiters have the permission to generate invite links, and they are responsible for ensuring AGS has a healthy number of members.

The AGS Board of Historians is responsible for maintaining this Wiki.

Current and Former Moderators

Head Moderators


Subordinate Organization Members

Random Events Committee

The Random Events Committee was dissolved following absolutely no activity from the general committee members not in the Mod Team, and so the Mod Team took control and now makes Random Events, by themselves, and occasionally using ideas from the general public of the sim through donators from Patreon in the Patriot Tier.

Recruitment Team

Board of Historians