Cabin Administration

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Cabin Administration
Presidential Administration
Nov. 20, 2022 – Present

President Cabin Fever
Vice President

Greg Dover

Senate Control 144th Senate – NAL
145th Senate – LRP, RRP
House Control

144th House – NAL
145th House – LRP, RRP

Notable Events Establishment of RRP
East Palestine Crash
Ddet Patent Dispute
Defection of NotTrump

The Cabin Adminstration is a the current presidential administration following Cabin Fever's election to the Presidency in the November 2022 General Election. It presides over the 145th Congress, and is currently a right-wing trifecta. The previous Congress was controlled by the NAL. The Administration is notable for a relatively bipartisan Cabinet, as well as the fracture of the LRP, the East Palestine train crash, the defection of Natalia Poklonskaya, and a dispute over international patent regulations.


Office Holder Term Notable Actions
Secretary of the Interior Oliwer Stołów November 20, 2022 – Present Elimination of the mosquito
Duplication of the Mississippi