Libertarian-Republican Party

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Libertarian-Republican Party
Federal Chairman Adala
Federal Vice Chairman Tedd Ddet
State Chairs Pepper Potts
James Bruhman
Founded 11 May 2020
Ideology Right-Libertarianism
House of Representatives
1 / 16
4 / 6
1 / 3
State Legislatures
4 / 15

The Libertarian-Republican Party, more commonly referred to as the Libertarian Party or the LRP, is a right-wing political party founded in May of 2020 as a party for the Libertarian members of the Federalist Party, which had recently been dissolved. Originally meant to cover the Centre-Libertarian ideology, the Libertarian-Republican Party has become a big tent for members of the right wing. Originally known as just the Libertarian Party, the decision to adjust was made in order to attract more members of the right wing ideology. The party became the only right wing party following the dissolution of the Pirate Party in April 2021.

Formation and History

After LOTRGate II, Valerie began planning the formation of the Libertarian Party (alongside James Order, Caprese, Computerguy15, Rincewind and Sandoval) . It would go against the Social Conservative movement that some believed aided the dissolution of the Federalist Party and would promote socially progressive and economically conservative values. At the time of the party's formation, the smallest right-wing party came to hold some of the right's biggest heavyweights such as Valerie and Sandoval. They would outlive their socially conservative sister party, the American Solidarity Party and was the only party for members of the right-wing for a short period. In recent months, the party has rebounded and has retained the presidency under President Bo.

The Libertarian-Republican Party made significant gains ins the House of Representatives and the Senate during the Bo presidency, and elected Elkridge to continue as President. But they experienced a sharp decline during the september, and november federal elections largely due to backlash of the federal government shutdown, and ethical issues some party members faced. After suffering heavy losses in state elections and losing the presidency in the november elections, the Libertarian-Republicans rebounded. They won the House for the first time in nearly two years and carried the Senate.

Party Leadership

Federal Chair
Term Name Term of Service
First Valerie May 11, 2020 - July 19, 2020
Second Sandoval July 19, 2020 - September 10, 2020
Third Valerie September 10, 2020 - November 13, 2020
Fourth Bo November 13, 2020 - January 17, 2021
Fifth Howard Elkridge January 17, 2021 - May 15, 2021
Sixth Wonder May 15, 2021 - July 10, 2021
Seventh Bo July 10, 2021 - July 27, 2021
Eigth One-Eyed Jack July 27, 2021 - September 20, 2021
Ninth Cabin Fever September 20, 2021 - October 23, 2021
Tenth Adala October 23, 2021 - March 14, 2021

!Eleventh !Cabin !March 14, 2021 - May 10, 2021 |}

(1) Federal Vice Chair Caprese was "dismissed from the executive" by popular motion. The seat was empty for two days before an election was held.
Federal Vice Chair
Term Name Term of Service
First Caprese May 11, 2020 - May 15, 2020 (1)
Second Order May 17, 2020** - June 28, 2020
Third Hagen June 28, 2020 - July 19th, 2020
Fourth Cabin July 19, 2020 - September 10, 2020
Fifth Sandoval September 10, 2020 - January 14th, 2021
Sixth Computerguy15 January 14th, 2021 - February 15th, 2021
Seventh Wonder February 15th - 2021, May 15th, 2021
Eigth Caprese May 15th, 2021 - May 18th, 2021
Nineth Sandoval May 18th, 2021 - July 10th, 2021
Tenth One-Eyed Jack July 10th - July 27th
Eleventh Wonder August 6th -
Northern Chair
Term Name Term of Service
First ComputerGuy June 12, 2020 - June 15, 2020 (2)
Second April June 15, 2020 - August 10, 2020
Third Hagen August 10, 2020 - September 10, 2020
Fourth Elkridge September 10, 2020 - Present

(2) North State Chair ComputerGuy was "dismissed from the executive" by popular motion. The seat was empty for two days before an election was held.

Dixie Chair
Term Name Term of Service
First James Order June 14, 2020 - June 17, 2020
Second Sandoval June 26, 2020 - July 17, 2020
Third Jed Marshall July 21, 2020 - October 10, 2020
Fourth Aegeus Phoenix October 10, 2020 - November 16, 2020 (estimated)
Fifth Soren November 16, 2020 - December 28, 2020 (estimated)
Sixth Miguel December 28, 2020 - January 15, 2021
Seventh Wonder January 18, 2021 - April 27, 2022
Eighth John "Balls" Grant April 27, 2022 - Present
Jefferson Chair
Term Name Term of Service
First Rincewind May 11, 2020 - August 10, 2020
Second ComputerGuy August 10, 2020 - Present
Puerto Rico Chair
Term Name Term of Service
First Elkridge August 26, 2020 - September 11, 2020
Second Bo September 11, 2020 - November 13, 2020
Third Ian Bellinger November 15, 2020 - Present

Election History

State Elections

Northern House of Delegates Dixie General Assembly Jefferson Parliament Governor Elections
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
June 2020
0 / 5
Steady June 2020
1 / 7
Increase1 June 2020
2 / 5
Increase1 June. 2020
1 / 3
Northern House of Delegates Dixie General Assembly Jefferson Parliament
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
August 2020
1 / 5
Increase1 August 2020
4 / 7
Increase3 August 2020
4 / 5
Northern House of Delegates Dixie General Assembly Jefferson Parliament Puerto Rico General Assembly Governor Elections
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
Oct. 2020
2 / 5
Increase1 Oct. 2020
3 / 7
Decrease1 Oct. 2020
2 / 5
Steady Oct. 2020
0 / 3
Steady Oct. 2020
1 / 4
Northern House of Delegates Dixie General Assembly Jefferson Parliament Puerto Rico General Assembly
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
Dec. 2020
2 / 5
Steady Dec. 2020
5 / 7
Increase2 Dec. 2020
3 / 5
Increase1 Dec. 2020
1 / 3
Northern House of Delegates Dixie General Assembly Jefferson Parliament Puerto Rico General Assembly Governor Elections
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
Feb. 2021
0 / 5
Decrease2 Feb. 2021
1 / 7
Decrease4 Feb. 2021
3 / 5
Steady Feb. 2021
1 / 3
Steady Feb. 2021
0 / 4
Northern House of Delegates Dixie General Assembly Jefferson Parliament Puerto Rico General Assembly
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
Apr. 2021
2 / 5
Increase2 Apr. 2021
4 / 7
Increase3 Apr. 2021
2 / 5
Decrease1 Apr. 2021
1 / 3
Northern House of Delegates Dixie General Assembly Jefferson Parliament Puerto Rico General Assembly Governor Elections
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
June 2021
3 / 5
Increase1 June 2021
4 / 5
Steady June 2021
2 / 5
Decrease1 June 2021
3 / 3
Increase3 June 2021
0 / 4

Congressional Elections

House of Representatives Senate President
Election Seats Won +/- Election Seats Won +/-
July 2020
5 / 17
N/A July 2020
2 / 6
N/A Garland
Sep. 2020
0 / 18
Decrease2 Sep. 2020
0 / 8
Nov. 2020
0 / 18
Increase4 Nov. 2020
0 / 8
Steady Garland
Jan. 2021
0 / 19
Increase3 Jan. 2021
0 / 8
Mar. 2021
0 / 18
Decrease4 Mar. 2021
0 / 8
Decrease2 Sandoval
May 2021
0 / 20
Increase1 Jan 2021
0 / 8
July. 2021
0 / 20
Steady July 2021
0 / 8
Increase1 Christian Bo